Hard | Soft Skills – What will help your success?

By The Working Mom (MH)

In the professional world there are hard skills and soft skills. Hard skills are often teachable skills or skill sets that are learned, these will generally be listed on job postings as requirements. Soft skills are skills that encompass interpersonal and/or introspective qualities aka “people skills” or “interpersonal skills. These are harder to learn or…

Positive Phrases for Customer Service Success

By The Working Mom (MH)

If you have ever found yourself in a tough situation where you didn’t know what to say, or maybe you said the wrong thing, then you know how embarrassing it can be! Sometimes working customer service is wonderful and extremely rewarding but there are definitely difficult times as well. You can find yourself in a…

Work at Home Parents, this is for you!

By The Working Mom (MH)

So you took the step and are working from home now, do those kids ever drive you crazy? I totally understand what it can be like to be trying to type up an email or blog with that persistent toddler climbing into your lap just to slap your keyboard over and over. I’ve done some…

W@H Survival Guide

By The Working Mom (MH)

If you follow us on social media @wahworkforce you may have seen our recent work at home survival guide post. And after posting I felt obligated to elaborate on the 6 points covered, 1. Have a routine and stick to it,  2. Have a designated working space,  3. Take time for self care,  4. Get…